Full / half Automatic Die-cutting and Creasing Machine Part
01/人機界面 02/模壓部
Interface Molded parts
本機采用進口10.4寸高分辨率人機界面進行人機交 模切底版和刀模板的安全設計,輕易移動,回轉裝
流,可對機器的運行狀態進行實時動態檢測顯示, 置的設計,使裝版調版更加快捷方便。氣動鎖板
使機器調整和故障排除方便快捷,安全可靠。 裝置使上版框固定更牢固、更準確、更省時。
The machine adopts imported 10.4-inch high Die cutting the original version and the template
resolution man-machine interface for human- of the security design, easy to move, the design
computer communication, real-time dynamic of the rotary device, so that version of the plate
detection of the running status of the machine, more quickly and easily. Pneumatic lock plate
the machine adjustment and troubleshooting device to make the frame fixed more solid, more
convenient, safe and reliable. accurate, more time-saving.
03/熱壓紋加熱裝置 04/電氣控制
Hot embossing heating device Electrical control
本裝置可實現局部壓凹凸,整版深壓紋。 整機采用進口PLC程序控制,各種電氣元件,檢測
The device can be achieved local pressure bump, The whole machine adopts imported PLC program
full version of deep embossed. control, all kinds of electrical components, testing
switches are used in Japan, France, Germany,
Taiwan and other products.
05/變頻器 06/氣動離合器
Frequency converter Pneumatic clutch
采用日本富士品牌變頻器,使機器噪音低,反應速 意大利氣動離合器,德國FESTO氣動元件。扭矩
度高,耗電量低,運轉更加穩定。 大,運輸準確可靠。
The use of Japan Fuji brand inverter, the machine Italy pneumatic clutch, Germany FESTO
noise is low, high response speed, low power pneumatic components. Torque, transport
consumption, the operation more stable. accurate and reliable.
07/飛達頭 08/收紙部
Feida head Received paper
采用歐洲技術四吸四送卡紙瓦楞紙兩用飛達頭。吸 專業化的設計,突顯了工作效率。
Using the European technology four suction four Specialized design highlights productivity.
to send cardboard corrugated dual-use flying
head. The tip can be used to adjust the
deformation of the paper without stopping the
various paper suction angle, so that more reliable
paper. There is a simple adjustment function and
precise use of control functions. Thick and
balanced, accurate and smooth delivery.
09/輸紙部 10/主驅動
Paper feeding section Main drive
進口輸紙皮帶配以高耐磨壓紙膠輪、毛輪的壓力來 蝸輪材料選用優質耐磨合金銅,由精密機床加
改變與皮帶的壓力,從而保證紙張平穩送到前規定 工,高級技師精細刮削而成,磨損極小,精度高。
位部位。減少工作中停機次數。 曲軸,用鉻鋼高頻淬火處理,使用壽命長。擺桿由
Imported paper feed belt with high wear-resistant Worm gear material selection of high quality wear
platen rubber wheel, the pressure of the hair wheel resistant alloy copper, from precision machine tool
to change the pressure with the belt, so as to ensure processing, senior technician fine scraping,wear a
smooth paper to the pre-positioning parts. very small, high precision. Crankshaft steel with high
Reduce the number of downtime during work. frequency quenching, long service life. Pendulum
polished cast by the cast iron, high strength, wear
and durable.
11/蝸輪 12/蝸桿
Worm gear Worms
采用臺灣精鑄合金青銅,具有良好減磨性和抗膠合 材料選用德國高品質合金結構鋼,臺灣精密機床加
能力。精密加工后由高級技師精細刮削而成。精度 工,經特殊熱處理工藝制造。精確度高、使用壽命
高、無噪音、磨損小。 長、磨損小。
Taiwan's casting alloy bronze, with good anti-wear and Materials used in Germany high-quality alloy structural
anti-glue ability. Precision machining by the senior steel, Taiwan precision machine tool processing,with a
technician fine scraping from. High precision, no noise, special heat treatment process manufacturing.
wear small. High precision, long life, small wear.